Gaming industry is a massive area with lots of scope and possibilities. The recent technological advancements have brought a revolution in the gaming industry. Games are being used for recreational as well as educational purposes. From the era of Arcade Games to the now popular electronic games, the gaming industry has made an incredible advancement.
Gaming is presently one of the fastest growing industries in the world and experts estimate that its revenue will increase to $200 billion by 2023. Let’s dive deep into the different ways through which the technology has completely changed the world of gaming.
Advanced Computing
Before computing came, board games and playing sports were the only games. After computing started, new games were developed. The arcade games like Pacman and fruit machines were initially introduced and games consoles came later. Basically, the PlayStation and Xbox are computers. A lot of technological expertise was needed to invent consoles and it proved to be a breakthrough invention for the gaming industry.
With the gaming consoles, people could now play their favorite games from the comfort of their houses. The selection and quality of video games gradually increased. There are other ways of playing games apart from consoles. You can insert compatible discs into your computers or download applications like Steam for playing games of your choice.
Online Gaming
With the creation and advent of internet facility, online gaming gained popularity. The scope of gaming industry increased since people could now select from the numerous options available from the internet and easily play games online. New forms of gaming were introduced and it gave multiplayer facility also. There are even some best online casino for real money games with which one can not only entertained but can also win some good amount of money if played well.
Different players across the globe could play with each other sitting at their respective places. Take for example, the introduction of multiplayer role playing games or the recreation of the vintage experience by visiting some of the best online casinos.
The latest technology advancements used by the best online casinos in India: Facial recognition, Voice recognition, Gesture controls, High definition displays, Amazing graphics, Virtual reality, Augmented reality and Wearable gaming consoles.
Mobile Gaming
First to come were the consoles, then the PC and online gaming. However, it is the advent of smart phones that has brought the gaming industry where it is today. Obviously playing with a device in your pocket is much easier than consoles or PCs. Today almost everyone uses a smart phone. The playable apps can be easily downloaded on the phone and people can play games whenever and wherever they want to play.
Mobile gaming has become very popular today and it accounts for almost 80% of online gaming. By far, the biggest revenue drawer for the gaming industry is the mobile gaming. There are portable consoles also like Nintendo DS.
High-quality graphics
In the beginning, games were very simple i.e. they didn’t have the complex features, storylines or graphical quality and effects which we have today. With the advancement of technology, high-quality graphics were introduced with hardware upgrades improving GPUs in our PC and mobiles. Today we have the hardware and advanced game engines like Unity, allowing for an amazing visual experiences and overall game quality.
Another important development in recent times is the inclusion of real-time ray-tracing. This helps in more accurate representation of real-world lighting than ever seen before.
Artificial Intelligence
Now-a-days artificial intelligence is being vastly used in video games. The use of AI is in the creation of non-playable characters where the players have something to compete against or interact with. Like NPCs can talk with gamers or react to different stimuli, adding a sense of realism to the game.
Virtual/Augmented Reality
Virtual reality (VR) is where you are completely immersed in a simulation with 3D photorealistic graphics. Augmented reality is where computer-generated images are imposed onto the real world.
Both virtual and augmented reality has created huge possibilities for the gaming industry. For example, you can wear VR headsets which will submerge you in shark-diving cages. So you get the real time actual experience of the gaming scenes.
Technological advancement has made gaming more approachable. Therefore, the number of people playing games has also increased manifolds. Gaming has also developed in terms of payment. The in-app purchases are handled through the mobile platform where the developer gets paid without getting your banking details.