One of them the most annoying problems for computer users is hard drive failures, which can lead to extremely serious data loss. In this article, we will focus on this problem and offer 4 tips to reduce hard drive failure.
The correct care of a hard disk greatly influences not only its performance, but also its useful life. We need to acknowledge this fact since failures of hard drives aren’t always due to factory failures. Problem, but may have been caused by continued misuse of it, or even by an event beyond our control.
Nowadays, it is believed that computer users must have realized the importance of data backup, which will play an important role in data recovery. For example, if we experience an Outlook crash, unfortunately, backed up PST files can help us recover Outlook data.
However, in reality, data backups are not 100% secure. Currently, the most popular backup solution is backing up to external hard drives, which is affordable for the vast majority of users. But even with up-to-date backups in hand, we still can’t rest easy. The hard drive can fail at any time you can ask for help to recovery it by experts from a single drive in a computer fails, the results can be direr. To avoid this problem, we must follow the 4 tips below to reduce hard drive failures to the best of our ability.
Tip 1: Avoid Common Causes of Hard Drive Failure
The first step in reducing hard drive failure should be to fight common causes of hard drive failure. On average, hard drive failures can be due to three types of factors. One is the environmental problem, which indicates temperature, air quality, and movement alike. Hard disk drives, for instance, should be kept cool to avoid overheating. Also, the electrical problem is another annoying problem. Power outages can easily cause hard drive failure. Therefore, in front of him, it is very necessary to get hold of a surge protector and an uninterruptible power supply. Aside from the two mentioned above, the one on the left is manual damage, such as accidental bumps, bumps, or drops. Therefore, it makes sense to keep your hard drive in good shape all the time.
Tip 2: Monitor the Status of your Hard Drive
Without a doubt, you should pay close attention to the health of the hard drive. All hard drive failure prevention and mitigation demands that we become familiar with how to judge whether a drive is failing gradually or not. That is, we must know the signs of failures in the hard disk. Fortunately, there are many approaches to monitoring drive health. For example, on Windows system, you can make use of a free utility, CHKDSK. In addition, Salvagedata data is also a useful and useful reference.
Tip 3: Reduce the Load on your Hard Drive
It is recognized that reducing the amount of data stored on the hard drive can greatly weaken the likelihood of hard drive failure. The main reason is that reducing the load on the hard drive will reduce the amount of wear and tear on the drive accordingly. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the useless or unwanted files and programs from the drive. Also, if possible, it is essential to compress the remaining files and program. You can achieve this by using any compressed tool, such as WinZip.
Tip 4: Deal with the Hard Drive Life Cycle
The so-called “hard drive life cycle” means the time from the first day the dive is installed to the day the drive reaches the end of its useful life. What you must do during this life cycle is combat the two vulnerable periods. One is the initial period after installation. The other is the final phase before a total failure. In the initial phase, the hard drive should undergo a burning process. And in the final period, you need to plan the internal data and prepare to replace it.