Tumblr is one of the best and most entertaining blogging and multimedia content platforms. Not only among the younger crowd, but it is also extremely popular, but it has also become well-known among microbloggers of all ages.
Where the blogs on specific topics, such as issues of mental health, films, fandoms, fanatics, fan art, etc. are entirely open, at the same time Tumblr has a post limit.
Why does Tumblr have a post limit is based on the rules and regulations of Tumblr as it is known as a hub of harassment and cyberbullying.
This is due to the uncontrolled nature of the blogging platform, the non-regulated user, and the anonymity. However, along with the posted limit, Tumblr has several other limitations as well.
In this article, you will come to know why Tumblr has a post limit and how to tackle it.
If you want to know more about tech-related things you should read the blog post on techyice.com/.
Reason Behind Why does Tumblr have a Post Limit?
Tumblr is one of the major blogging and social media tools in the world. What sets Tumblr apart from other websites is giving its users the freedom to customize their own “tumblelog” heavily.
However, there are many restrictions over what you can and cannot put on your page. So, the question then arises: Why does Tumblr have a post limit on sharing content in the first place?
Explaining the Trial Post Limit on Tumblr
One of Tumblr developers’ highly disliked limits is the number of posts. In particular, it is well defined how many posts you share with your blog every day. Although the Tumblr Help page contains information on some of these rules, not all of the regulations are formally publicly available. Consider Tumblr’s postage limit details per day:
- Text limitations: The test post limit for text Tumblr or regular posts were set to 100 posts per day. If you try to exceed this limit, you will receive an error pop-up. Most Tumblr users face this problem, the only silver line being that the number of characters used is not limited.
- Photos limitations: generally, from 75 to 150 photos a day can be published, depending on the version of Tumblr. To view photos correctly, they must be 500 x 750 pixels in size. Images of a much larger size are viewed by clicking in a lightbox.
- Limits of GIFs: GIFs are the main feature of Tumblr. Their number is also included in the daily post limit. To show the intended animation, GIFs must be between 1 and 1.75 MB in size. When a file larger than 2MB is uploaded, the image is still shown only by the first picture.
- Tags limitations: Tags are a way to look for new content and find it. Even if someone does not cross the daily post boundary, only five of the tags from the dashboard may be searched.
Why does there a Tumblr Post Limit?
The best answer is that the followers will not get overwhelmed with too many posts a day. A daily post limit was needed for users to view and enjoy in their free time all the blog contents available for them.
It also contributes to a smoother and more efficient Tumblr server functioning. If the website was too loaded, it would crash, and the users will be left off the platform unhappy.
This technical mistake could lead to the decline of Tumblr together with rival apps like Instagram.
How to bypass Tumblr Post Limit?
Of course, the above-mentioned problems can be resolved. It can contribute to improving the quality and number of posts on Tumblr. They can also help prevent unnecessary stress and complaints by bloggers to facilitate maintenance work and crew. There are two things you can do:
- Wait at the end of the day for Tumblr’s reset.
- Check the posts you want to upload the next day on your blog. However, if you have exceeded the daily limit of 250 Tumblr posts, the posts in your queue are not automatically posted on your blog.
- Set the queue the following day for a certain time.
Post Limit Reset Time
The post limit of Tumblr per day resets at midnight Eastern Time. After the limit has been exceeded, you can just wait until it is posted again. Type your Tumblr username in the Post Limit Checker tool to find out how many posts you left.
For the next day, posts can also be queued. Up to 300 posts can be queued at a time with 50 released daily in the next few days. That’s helpful if you can’t manage your blog actively for a while because you have to get away. Save your posts as draughts to avoid losing them, when you have reached the queue limit.
Social media users have flocked and try to make the most of Tumblr. You may want to know why Tumblr has a limit on the post and how to resolve it if you’re one of them particularly if you are a new member. In this article, we have mentioned all the criteria of Tumblr’s post limitation and how to solve this solution.
Read other blog posts on our website to get more information.